This Open Book

I’ve said for a while I’m an open book. This morning I’ve contemplated that premise and confirmed in my heart that there are still pages within soldered with tears. Those leaves are reserved for the few willing and able to be patient enough to carefully separate the two or three or thousand that to the naked eye appear in tact.

So while there’s no lock on this book and the experiences therein, there are still sections melded in a quiet pain only a delicate touch, a passionate heart, and an understanding mind can receive access. So this book struggles to complete chapters destined to be re-written in the thoughts and behaviors of the vessel meant to house them.

Friendships are hard.

Love is harder.

Vulnerability is menacing in none but a required way.

So I’m forced to consider whether I am willing to bring to his attention those pages I have yet to uncover. I stand still, frozen in ice too thick for vision to penetrate. I still long to share, but… Just but. The opportunity rises and falls with attitudes and emotions, but the longing refuses to cease her whisper. Destiny denies the ability to retract her request.

Wisdom speaks…breaking the white noise of monotony…

I stand still. I crouch. I hide.

Temptation lurks, but fails to convince her to close the book this time…

Her desire to know him and to be known by him is stronger.

Clarity…as my innermost inklings are revealed…

so I must submit to the process…

©2017 Nadia Davis. All Rights Reserved.

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